SSC Napoli is thrilled to announce the signing of Leo Skiri Ostigard from Brighton & Hove Albion in a permanent deal.


Leo Ostigard

Date of birth: 28/11/1999

Place of birth: Andalsnes

Age: 22

Height: 182cm

Nationality: Norwegian

Position: Defender

  • Career
SeasonClubLeague appearancesGoalsDomestic cup appearancesGoalsEuropean competition appearancesGoals
Jan-June 2022Genoa1501100
2021/Jan 2022Stoke City14*12000
2020/21Coventry City3931000
2019/20St. Pauli2811000
2018/19Brighton & Hove Albion12*2*1000
2018Viking Stavanger1102000

*Including reserve league

  • National team
National team CapsGoals

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